A break of the break

May 8, 2008 at 2:19 am 11 comments

I just have to tell you how things are going in Durban. Fuck! I am so excitedhappynervousambitiousanxiousecstatic! All at the same time.

I spend my days applying for jobs, going for interviews, getting lost like nobodys business, staring at the sea, drinking coffee at the most awesome little place ever. Its called Taco Zulu, heard of it? The bathroom has surf stickers everywhere, they play rock music loudly, have deck chairs outside, free wireless internet and I’m able to smoke like a chimney and chat up the waiter wearing surf slops without anyone looking at me funny. Awesome stuff.

My. housemate. is. Amazing. I should have been year a hundred years ago. Jesus, it feels like its already like that, there are absolute comfortable silences, 2am coffee drinking sprees, spying on the eye candies across the road, ganging up on her boyfriend Flickr… life is so, so good right now.

I’ve been lurking around online a bit and noticed that all my favourites have faded on the blogosphere. What the fuck is up with that? Wiggly, you are godamn lucky you told me over the phone you were quitting before I read it on your blog. I’m so heart sore. You will be missed you little monkey molesting tooth fcuker. Love you a million and one trillion, and I hope you won’t drop off and die within the internet.

A friend of mine is going through a very rough time right now.  Please send positive vibes and happy thoughts for her.  She is devestated at her reality right now and my heart is breaking for her.  I love you honey.  It will get better, I promise you with all my soul and heart.

Mom, I am alive, haven’t been hijacked nor raped (nor laid, for that matter) so please stop phoning me every three hours. I promise you Durban isn’t as evil as you think it is.

Peace and love everyone. Hope you are all happy wherever you are today!

Entry filed under: Uncategorized.

It were a Debonairs, bru. I got love for you if you were born in the Eighties

11 Comments Add your own

  • 1. cath  |  May 8, 2008 at 2:23 am

    fuck i love you. in a non lesbian, entirely platonic, make me coffee or ill fart kind of way



  • 2. angel  |  May 8, 2008 at 4:59 am

    ooh i feel all warm and fuzzy for you and c@th both, shebeelicious my dahlink!!!
    big e-hugs and good thoughts for your heartsore friend!

  • 3. Glugster  |  May 8, 2008 at 6:21 am

    I noticed you posted today.

  • 4. admin  |  May 8, 2008 at 6:56 am

    C@t – never again will i feed you chicken. never.

    angelpie – thank you darlink 🙂

    Glug – wow. you shock me daily. hehehe

  • 5. admin  |  May 8, 2008 at 12:06 pm

    Anon Coward why don’t you suck on my lollipop you little pillow porker?


  • 6. Amy  |  May 8, 2008 at 1:04 pm

    Good to see your back, however briefly.
    OH, and also good to see your having a good time, living it up and all. Keep up the good work!

  • 7. sweets  |  May 8, 2008 at 10:48 pm

    LOL little pillow porker mwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha oh that’s brilliant!!
    so glad you’re happy in durbs sweety, rock on!!!

  • 8. B  |  May 10, 2008 at 10:05 am

    Good to hear you have settled in nicely.. sounds like a match made in durban.. My only question I need answered is this.. can she make a good curry??

    Oh and I am taking it that anon coward is still stalking you?

  • 9. Goblin  |  May 11, 2008 at 10:59 pm

    Gods I love Durbs, you sound like you’re having a blast!!

    Also I know a good shag up there that I can hook you up with 😛

  • 10. admin  |  May 12, 2008 at 3:15 am

    Amyloo – I’ll be up on your coast shortly for a visit. Will email you details. Not moving there tho – not yet now anyway. Love you lots my Faux Lesbian Lover xox

    Sweets – I am as happy as a pig in shit. Except, jobless. Still. Sigh.

    B – Curry? Eeew. No – I can like to make a bunny chow but I don’t eat it. Yes – the comments are still acoming.

    Goblin – OHMYGODSENDMEHISNUMBER! hahaha. Just kidding. When you come back here, gimme a shout and I’ll show you how unfake I am, m’kay?

  • 11. lordwiggly  |  May 14, 2008 at 2:13 pm

    Hehe shot 4 the shout out! I haven’t faded completely…still commenting on your blog Lolzor


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Just South Africa – Photo contest

Are you a photographer? Do you think you could stand a chance of winning? Why not try your luck, you've nothing to lose! I've been asked to be one of 5 judges in Just South Africa's photography contest. I hope to see your entries there!

Sadly, I've been told money, chocolates and free internet are not allowed to affect my judging unbiased opinion. You could try anyway though... Kidding. Relax.

Be part of the SheBee FB fan page

Brick of the moment:

Please applaud:

Mark from YellowLlama who is responsible for the design of my awesome new logo, which will soon be used in a much more flattering light, on a new work-in-progress page.

Huh? What page? There is no page, nevermind. You read nothing!

Thanks again Mark :)

Win a dodgy fruit basket! [Brick of the moment]

6000 | August 28, 2008 at 12:08 pm Peel A Keys is going to struggle to score with lines like that.

Shit Brick Posts


Trigger happy?

Are you a photographer? Do you think you could stand a chance of winning? Why not try your luck, you've nothing to lose! I've been asked to be one of 5 judges in Just South Africa's photography contest. I hope to see your entries there!

Sadly, I've been told money, chocolates and free internet are not allowed to affect my judging unbiased opinion. You could try anyway though... Kidding. Relax.